My page views seemed kind of high for just me! So I checked my traffic info and found out that I've had some visitors.
I'm not linked to any other blogs, so I don't know how you found my place, but it's nice to have people come by!
Yes, this blog is under construction. But you're more than welcome to come back as often as you like to see how things are progressing.
There won't be any regular entries for a couple of weeks or so. But keep your eyes open on my "Pages" section (top right hand column). I'm going to post a few that just explain the basics of the blog--my relationship with my wife, Mitzie. My special group of friends. My career in catering (regular and the, uh, more "adult" kind--more on that on that page). The pages will just be basic background stuff for new readers.
And yes, that is me in the background pic. I was rather dolled-up that day. Care to see me in a more normal state?

Hey, I have a hard-on!
The main blog itself will be a mix of sex, day-to-day stuff, past and recent sexual experiences, some recipes, cocktail info, some nakey pics, some more-than nakey pics and, of course, unicorn sightings.
By the way, unicorns exist. If they didn't, people wouldn't talk about them.
Oh, and of course, I'll make frequent references to Miss Hello Kitty, my personal and professional mentor.
I am bisexual and married to a woman. Honestly, at this point in my life, sexually I probably prefer women by a slight margin. But I do dig guys as well. I could have ended up with a guy and been very happy. I just happened to fall in love hard with a girl. I found a Ms. Right instead of a Mr. Right, that's all.
I'm not sure if I'll post again until "construction" is finished, but I might drop a "hey, how you folks doing" entry!